What is Redermalization?
Redermalization is an innovative new method for age prevention and skin restoration. Redermalization is the process of injecting Hyalual Xela Rederm® using a special technique, to rejuvenate the skin. Xela Rederm® is injected intradermally. Whereas other injectable treatments such as dermal fillers target the tissue just beneath the skin, Xela Rederm® is injected directly into the skin itself. It is composed of hyaloronic acid in different concentrations and a substrate called Succinic Acid/ Succinate. By combining these two ingredients it is possible to treat all the aspects of skin ageing.
The hyaluronic acid in Hyalual Xela Rederm® prevents skin dehydration, moisturizes the skin and replenishes hyaluronic acid. The function of Succinic Acid/ Succinate is to stimulate the fibroblast cells in the skin to produce collagen and other proteins that is important for healthy skin. Succinate is also responsible for the formation of new blood vessels in the skin. By increasing the blood vessels more essential micro nutrients and vitamins is deposited in the skin that is necessary for healthy glowing skin. Both hyaluronic acid and succinate is naturally found in the human skin, therefore it is not a foreign substance that is used in the product.
Hyalual Redermalization treatment is done once every two weeks for a total of three treatments. Results that the patient can expect is a younger looking, healthy skin, improvement in skin texture, less noticeable wrinkles, slight lifting effect due to the hyaluronic acid and reduction of skin pigmentation.